Welcome to the Inspired Business Accelerated Results Program

You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in just 90 days with powerful business and marketing mentoring.



Work with me over 90 days and watch your business transform!


If you’re a business owner who knows that with extra support comes faster results, and you’re impatient to achieve those results, then my Accelerated Results Program is definitely the best choice for you.

Many business owners reach a level of success and become overwhelmed or recognise that they don’t have the experience for the next level of growth their business needs. This is where my three-month program of focused support comes in.

My Accelerated Results Program has been designed for the business owner who needs focused regular attention on their business and tight support to take things to the next level.


Whilst this program requires a higher investment, in both time and money, it delivers the value tenfold.


Many of my clients have experienced success beyond their wildest dreams and because they have a coach who expands their thinking, who’s experienced in a multitude of business and marketing modalities and who holds them accountable.


In my Accelerated Results program, you’ll develop a close relationship with me as your coach.


I become just as invested in your results and your business as you are and I work tirelessly with you to build a profitable, sustainable business that you love and that makes an impact. You’ll be amazed at what we can achieve together in just three months!


The Accelerated Results program is designed for the success-obsessed business owner.

I’ll teach you how to be the master of your business, your marketing and your profits.


I’ll take you by the hand and guide you every step along the way to:
1. Map out your long-term and short-term business goals.
2. Develop a business plan and strategic milestones that will enable you to achieve those goals.
3. Help you cut through the noise and overwhelm of information out there, to instead focus on the exact, specific steps that are on your critical path to profit, each and every month.
4. Take consistent, focused actions to move you in the direction of your business goals.

My passion and commitment is to work with you to deliver a return on your coaching investment as quickly as possible.

I’ll be working with you to get you armed with a great business plan and marketing strategy so that you can get out there and start making the money you deserve as quickly as possible!

I’m passionate about saving you time and money so that you can move through the business building process as quickly and efficiently as possible.



You’ll know you’re ready for the 90-day Accelerated Results Program if:

  • You’re looking for support to achieve fast growth and increased revenue.
  • Entrepreneurship is new to you. You recognise you have a steep learning curve and you’re prepared to invest in yourself to get the best support possible and to avoid costly mistakes.

  • You recognise that there are some weaknesses in your business that you need to improve on and you’re ready to engage an expert who has the knowledge to support you in improving them.
  • You need to take your business to the next level and don’t know the best way to go about it, or don’t want to do it alone.

  • You feel overwhelmed and you are thinking about taking on a business partner to help carry the load, who also brings different skills to the table, but you don’t really want to give a chunk of your business away.

  • You understand that engaging a business coach can lead to over a 500% return on investment.

  • You have a project you need an experienced coach to help you with.

  • You prefer more attention from a business coach and would like to see them more regularly.

  • You’re willing to do whatever it takes to make your business successful and that includes investing at the highest level for the support that you need.


The 2 Keys to Your Success – they’re in your 90-day Accelerated Results Program!


The Accelerated Results Program contains two key elements that I know are critical for your success as a business owner.


1. Private Coaching to Give You Clarity, Strategy & Direction.

You’ll have my eyeballs directly on your business to help you make the best decisions to grow as quickly as possible. Every month, you’ll get strategic direction and clarity through working with me. We’ll map out your specific goals and action plans to get you to your revenue goals as quickly as possible.


2. The monthly Inspired Business Mastermind to Connect, Build Relationships, your Network, and Leverage the Experience of Your Like-Minded Peers.

You know how lonely it can be growing your business on your own. That’s why the 90-day Accelerated Results program contains a monthly Mastermind which is a workshop with a specific format that allows you to connect with fellow like-minded business owners and to leverage their knowledge and experience. The peers in your group become your networking group, referral partners, and great friends!




Find out what other clients have been saying…

Kate is an excellent Business Coach and has exceptional knowledge and experience across a wide range of areas. She has such a warm, friendly personality and is very relatable, but she’s also very results oriented. I always came away from our coaching sessions with a very clear action plan and often we would work through and resolve issues during the session, which I found very helpful. She really helped me to make some breakthroughs in my business in some areas I’d been struggling with for some time, with her very practical approach. I will continue to use Kate’s services and highly recommend her.

Sharon Gleeson

Health & Wellness Coach, Sharon Gleeson Wellness

What I know to be true is the uncanny ability that Kate has to know something about YOU before you do…she is very in tune with her clients, she makes it her business to know your Business. Not only is she very strategic and knowledgeable about how to get your Business to thrive – she is extremely heart driven and compassionate which helps when YOU are not at your best. Starting or running a Business is hard, having a coach to help you see things that you don’t is a must if you want to success as a boss babe.

Gina Mais

Founder, Tribal Wellness Movement

I love working with Kate one on one. I feel my direction, momentum and confidence building after every session. And I really feel that Kate believes in me and what I’m doing, which gives me so much confidence and courage. If you’re building your own business and you’re not sure whether to invest in Fempire Coaching – just do it! It’s the best decision I made to grow my business in the right way, to build the right momentum, to have support and confidence in me and the direction I want to go. 

Rhiannon Blackaby

CEO, Wholesome Health Coach



To get started, please take a moment to complete a short application form.


I’ll be contacting you to make sure we’re a good fit to work together, and then we’ll get your first session scheduled and under way!

I look forward to helping you build your business dreams.


In service to your success

Kate De Jong, Ph.D
[email protected]

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